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Stirling Classifieds

Part II: From Selfhood to Soulhood: Why We Need To Work on Our self from a Sufi Perspective

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Sunday Dec 4th, 2011
From Selfhood to Soulhood: Why We Need To Work on Our self from a Sufi Perspective
 10-11:30 - Presentation Talk on Sufi Methods
 11:30 - 1:30 Introduction to Sufi Practices, Zikr and Turning
 2:30 - 4 - Talk on The Sufi Stations of the Soul
Cost: $25 each Class
$60 a Day
$100 for two days. The fee should be paid upon entry to the first seminar.
Koffler Multi Faith Centre
569 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario

Saturday Nov 26th, 2011
From Selfhood to Soulhood:
Why We Need To Work On Our self: Conscious Self Development From a Gurdjieff 4th Way Perspective.
Nowadays we hear more and more often about mindfulness and human conscious evolution. But how to achieve it or actually where to start?  There are many modalities of Self Development that focus on the growth of mental, emotional or physical human capacities. Gurdjieff can be called a universalist Sufi who first coined the term “work on oneself.” Is there such a thing as accelerated transformation - liberation and enlightenment? Gurdjieff’s methods to attain a harmonious and balanced human development in one life time are more relevant now perhaps then any other time.
We invite you for special day of Dynamic Mindfulness and special Soul Development in the traditions of the Masters of Wisdom: Rumi and Gurdjieff. These seminars will consist of two parts. We will explore the practices of Sufi wisdom, whirling, zikr, multi-faith meditation, Gurdjieff movements and 4th way spiritual psychology. All provide an incredible depth of personal transformation and a solid framework to freeing oneself to transform unnecessary suffering and to illuminate one’s inner life.
 10 -11:30 - Presentation Talk on Gurdjieffian Methods
 11:30 - 1:30 - Introduction to Gurdjieffian Mindfulness Practices and
Gurdjieff Movements
 2:30 - 4 - Presentation Talk on - What is Work on Yourself and The Concept
of Levels of Being
Cost: $25 each Class
$60 a Day
$100 for two days. The fee should be paid upon entry to the first seminar.
Participants must RSVP and be willing to Provide Email Address  and
participate on Mailing List:

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ID: 1244
Posted on: 2011-11-10 12:24:54
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Price: $25
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